Understanding Input Fields

Now we have seen the structure of the export and we know how to get the Prompt ID using this request in your own workflows or processes is super simple. You may not understand what all of the fields are so this section aims to break them down into simple terms for you.

  • "Name" - When you setup your Riku account, you could specify your name. If you have created any prompts and added them to the community showcase, you will see what your name is set as here. This is a required field and you won't be able to successfully make requests without it.

  • "Secret" - This is a secret key. Every account will have a unique value that you will need to use for this field. From the Riku dashboard, look at the sidebar where we have the option to "Manage Account". Click this and you will see a popup with your secret key. This is also a required field for successful requests. Do not share your secret key with anyone!

  • "Prompt ID" - This is the prompt you are looking to call. We covered this a bit earlier so you can read about how to get your Prompt ID here. This is also a required field so please ensure it is sent with all requests to avoid errors.

  • "Input 1" - If the prompt you are wanting to use has an input field, this would be the first of those input fields. For example, a Twitter Hashtag Generator prompt would have a single input for the tweet. This is the field where you would put that tweet.

  • "Input 2" - This is the second input field. If you are using a prompt with 2 or more input fields then you would be required to enter something here. An example would be a product description generator having two fields of Product Title and Product Details, the second of these inputs is the Product Details and what you would put to correspond here.

  • "Input 3" - This would be used if there are three or more inputs and works in the same way as specified above.

  • "Input 4" - This would be used if there are four or more inputs and works in the same way as specified above.

  • "Input 5" - This would be used if there are five inputs and works in the same way as specified above.

  • "n" - This field is telling us how many outputs you are expecting to achieve. A value of 1 will return a single output whereas a value of 4 would return 4 outputs. Note that if the prompt is using a large number of tokens then the ability to use the n might be limited. If you see errors after setting this value too high, try setting it lower.

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